Monday, November 09, 2009

'Bama and Such

Down in Alabama for the first time and I am up to 44 states if you are keeping score, obviously I am. I will be down here for a few days and I will head up to TN where I will continue my Johnny Appleseed imitation in regards to Big Buck Online.

I downloaded the Big Buck Hunter Pro Online game for the iPhone and the best feature is the fact I can find the nearest online Big Buck Arcade game near me. I am not pushing an ad for the game, in fact it shows how much I depend on that phone. As much as I dig the iPhone (the first smartphone I have owned that lives up to the billing) I don't know if I would pick up the Droid or the Apple phone for my personal ringer.

I know that the Android platform does not offer everything as far as apps go at this point (the apps are what make the iPhone) but the fact that my digital life is on Google (Blogger anyone?) and the Android platform syncs beautifully with it. The one drawback about the iPhone is a stupid one, everyone has it. I never jumped into the iPod craze for that reason.

I do not have to make that decision, but if you were making that choice, who would you choose?

Friday, June 26, 2009

West Virginny

The last week had me traveling around VA, MD and DC. I saw some customers, a Nats drubbing of the Red Sox and a lot of time in the rental car and hotels. I believe that if I tattooed my rental and hotel numbers on my forehead, it mught make checking in even quicker. Travel Tattoos is the latest thing, trust me on this.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Big Buck Parties: Nebraska

In the airport sipping some sweet, sweet free wi-fi and ready to jump in line to get a middle seat. We held the first few Big Buck Parties in Omaha and Lincoln this weekend and it was a good start to a fun campaign. This is to help promote the World Championship for both Big Buck Hunter Pro and Big Buck Safari. These parties have also been promoting the online features of both games as well.

Dave Snipes and I signed up many a cornhusker to the Online network. I also found out last night that there are a few online secrets on Big Buck Safari as well. I thought Pro was the only one... I just need to see if Pappy is wearing Safari gear or not. Only 40 more online games to unlock it.

Off to the DC area next week.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Week Home and Promotion

I am not on the road this week and I get to stay home and see the family as well as follow up with the past two weeks and prepare for the upcoming travel. 

Texas was my playground last week and I think I did enough damage in the lone-star state in regards to talking to existing and potential clients. It is becoming evident that more operators are looking to add value to their customers (locations) and that value keeps coming back to promotion.  The CoinUp product allows the operators to make promoting the Buck Hunter and Buck Safari machines a lot easier and it digs up new revenue sources as well. The other great products that are out there that can also help promote business are Incredible Technologies' Online games and FACTS and TournaMAXX by Merit. These are the most dominant promotional tools in the arcade industry but the focus needs to turn to getting the word out.  

If your location does not have a website or myspace page, help them start one up. Almost every bar and FEC location has one of these, but there are a few out there that need help. Reach out to me if you need help with this. If they are already on the bandwagon, ask them to help promote your events (tournaments, leagues, etc.). Start a twitter account and let the people in your area know what is going on. Also, keep an eye open for fan-run sites for your location. 

No matter what you do, be consistent and keep updating. Yes this coming from a guy that has not been the best about that on this blog, but the twitter updates have been a nice crutch.  

Thursday, April 09, 2009

On The Road

I am in Kansas City, MO for the first time in my life. With my new gig, I am getting to see the nation and all of it's great bars. I need to start getting a list on my favorite bars. Look to see posts coming soon.

It is good to say hi again.