Thursday, May 22, 2008

Putting the Work in Social Networking

Social Networks can be very fun and entertaining and every once in a while, they can help out with work. However, the entire social networking phenomena is out of control. I am a huge facebook fan because of the ease and clean look that it offers (I am aware that they are further streamlining it), but I do poke around linkedin, plaxo pulse, twitter and myspace. Since I am one of three people in the world that actually purchased a Zune, I am also a part of that network as well.

The zune network is a great concept, but they have yet to work all of the kinks out (where the hell is the fav button?). Besides the fact that the zune network is a bit clunky (it could be so great) the main issue is that I have to tell 6 different networks the same damn thing every day. With Twitter, I have it changing my facebook status, but that is as close as it gets to a solution. To me, that is as crazy as AIM not working with Windows Live Messenger (the current name of the week). I should not have to download Trillian or anything else to talk to people with an AIM account.

All of these networks need to start lifting up their skirts and showing each other what they have and let the best application win. My fingers cannot take anymore abuse from the keyboard.


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