Monday, June 12, 2006

Winding Down

The day is done and so are the Heat in game 1 of the NBA Finals. The one thing that stands out the most is how a sorry franchise like the Mavericks have been turned around so quickly and the guy that did it, has to be one of the biggest geeks of all time. Not just a geek but a very lucky and bright one at that. This is a guy who should not be allowed in public most of the time, but he manages to sneak past the fellas in the white jackets most of the time.

My road to geek-dom started at an early age. In fact I am looking at a fourth grade class picture, and things did not look to good back then. In fact most of the kids were not looking to good back then. My favorite is the girl that is kneeling next to me, she is wearing a Corona shirt for picture day.

It is not surprising that she became the “easy girl” because she “went out” with anyone. Mind you, when you were “going out” with someone at that age, it really meant that you paid no attention to that person even more than you did before. Of course the party girl is going to be the slut, hey she even went out with me. She had very low standards.

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